2024-03-29 chat
Jeremy Amarant SAGE Planetarium Palmdale School District
Todd Ullery, York County Astronomical Society, York Learning Center Planetarium, York, PA, USA
John Erickson, Richmond, CA
Karl von Ahnen, Santa Cruz Mts., California
Carolyn Slivinski, STScI in Baltimore, MD.
Julie LaFranzo, Science Center of Iowa. Des Moines, IA
Cal Powell, Alexandria, VA
1Matt Williamson, Tayside Planetarium, mobile dome in Scotland.
Rosemary Walling, Marie Drake Planetarium, Juneau, AK
Dário Fonseca, Hemispherium @ Exploratório in Coimbra, Portugal
Alan Gould, The Lawrence Planetarium, University of California Berkeley USA
Amie Gallagher, Raritan Valley Community College Planetarium, Branchburg, NJ
Jeff Nee, JPL, Pasadena, CA
David Falk, Adjunct Instructor of Astronomy, Los Angeles Valley College
Ryan Moore, Dome Fest West, Los Angeles
Jon Bell, Hallstrom Planetarium, Indian River State College, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Sarah Weaver-Como Planetarium in St. Paul, MN
Philip Blanco, Grossmont College
Alby Luchko - CSUN Planetarium (Northridge, CA)
11:17:14 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
11:19:52 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
11:20:11 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
11:20:24 From Alan Gould PPA to Everyone:
11:21:03 From Carolyn S to Everyone:
Love your "How I got here" story!
11:23:46 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:
I can see tactile constellation patterns that can be placed in a 3-ring binder for a specific order for a particular show. Then do that again for a different show.
11:25:00 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
Great idea, Rosemary.
11:25:38 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
I have lots of special needs groups that visit. They like when I bring out the tactile images and 3D models.
11:31:29 From Jon U. Bell to Everyone:
Thanks Noreen and Alan and everyone, vigila caeli!
11:34:12 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:
It seems possible for some DIY tactiles if its just constellation patterns composed of raised dots and sticks. Opinion? How many constellations are in your books?
11:36:57 From Matt Williamson (he/him) to Everyone:
In the UK, the related projects are: https://tactileuniverse.org/ and https://www.audiouniverse.org/ . Coming up this November (subject to funding success) is another project creating a resource toolkit for planetaria, centred at Newcastle University in northeast England: https://sites.google.com/view/chrisharrison/
11:41:36 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:
Sorry my dogs are barking almost continuously... How much does it cost to have a braille printer, so that it could be used to make a braille caption for a tactile?
11:50:24 From Jeremy Amarant to Everyone:
Thanks Everyone!
11:52:44 From Carolyn S to Everyone:
We have a lot of Webb images with alt-text, a very rich descriptive overview of the images.
11:52:54 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:
Would someone who learned braille, be able to feel a number, say "10" (as just that) and understand it as that number?
11:54:27 From Sarah Weaver to Everyone:
Is Touch the Invisible Universe available for purchase?
11:57:00 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
I'm at a community college. I recently learned our Accessibility Office has sign language interpreters. I was able to get one for a deaf visitor. We lit the interpreter with a red light. It was so successful.
11:59:12 From Alan Gould PPA to Everyone:
12:01:14 From Matt Williamson (he/him) to Everyone:
Replying to "In the UK, the relat..."
I left out Dr Nick Bonne who is the narrator of the "Audio Universe: Tour of the Solar System" planetarium show. He is a blind astronomer at Uni of Portsmouth.
12:03:50 From Matt Williamson (he/him) to Everyone:
Replying to "In the UK, the relat..."
12:06:05 From Noreen Grice to Everyone:
The direct link to order Touch the Stars is:
12:07:06 From Julie LaFranzo (Science Center of Iowa) to Everyone:
Thank you so much for your time!
12:15:27 From Karl von Ahnen to Everyone:
I’ve got to go… Noreen, That was excellent!
12:15:41 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
Thank you all for the presentation and questions. I've got students coming in. See you next time.
12:18:04 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
12:18:09 From Benjamin Mendelsohn to Everyone:
What closed captioning technology are you using in your planetarium?
12:18:42 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
12:22:36 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:
I've used otter.ai (not free) to record myself during some shows. The voice to text is very good. I've not used Google Live Scribe. I might try otter where someone uses a tablet to read.
12:25:18 From Matt Williamson (he/him) to Everyone:
Gotta run - dinner time here! Do stay in touch folks - matt@taysideplanetarium.co.uk
12:32:16 From Carolyn S to Everyone:
12:32:21 From Alby Luchko (she/her) to Everyone:
I was late but I’ll have to watch the recording