2024-03-29 chat


11:17:14 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:


11:19:52 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:


11:20:11 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:


11:20:24 From Alan Gould PPA to Everyone:


11:21:03 From Carolyn S to Everyone:

Love your "How I got here" story!

11:23:46 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:

I can see tactile constellation patterns that can be placed in a 3-ring binder for a specific order for a particular show. Then do that again for a different show.

11:25:00 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:

Great idea, Rosemary.

11:25:38 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:

I have lots of special needs groups that visit. They like when I bring out the tactile images and 3D models.

11:31:29 From Jon U. Bell to Everyone:

Thanks Noreen and Alan and everyone, vigila caeli!

11:34:12 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:

It seems possible for some DIY tactiles if its just constellation patterns composed of raised dots and sticks. Opinion?  How many constellations are in your books?

11:36:57 From Matt Williamson (he/him) to Everyone:

In the UK, the related projects are: https://tactileuniverse.org/ and https://www.audiouniverse.org/ . Coming up this November (subject to funding success) is another project creating a resource toolkit for planetaria, centred at Newcastle University in northeast England: https://sites.google.com/view/chrisharrison/

11:41:36 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:

Sorry my dogs are barking almost continuously...  How much does it cost to have a braille printer, so that it could be used to make a braille caption for a tactile?

11:50:24 From Jeremy Amarant to Everyone:

Thanks Everyone!

11:52:44 From Carolyn S to Everyone:

We have a lot of Webb images with alt-text, a very rich descriptive overview of the images.

11:52:54 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:

Would someone who learned braille, be able to feel a number, say "10" (as just that) and understand it as that number?

11:54:27 From Sarah Weaver to Everyone:

Is Touch the Invisible Universe available for purchase?

11:57:00 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:

I'm at a community college. I recently learned our Accessibility Office has sign language interpreters. I was able to get one for a deaf visitor. We lit the interpreter with a red light. It was so successful.

11:59:12 From Alan Gould PPA to Everyone:


12:01:14 From Matt Williamson (he/him) to Everyone:

Replying to "In the UK, the relat..."

I left out Dr Nick Bonne who is the narrator of the "Audio Universe: Tour of the Solar System" planetarium show. He is a blind astronomer at Uni of Portsmouth.

12:03:50 From Matt Williamson (he/him) to Everyone:

Replying to "In the UK, the relat..."


12:06:05 From Noreen Grice to Everyone:

The direct link to order Touch the Stars is: 


12:07:06 From Julie LaFranzo (Science Center of Iowa) to Everyone:

Thank you so much for your time!

12:15:27 From Karl von Ahnen to Everyone:

I’ve got to go… Noreen, That was excellent!

12:15:41 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:

Thank you all for the presentation and questions. I've got students coming in. See you next time.

12:18:04 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:


12:18:09 From Benjamin Mendelsohn to Everyone:

What closed captioning technology are you using in your planetarium?

12:18:42 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:


12:22:36 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:

I've used otter.ai (not free) to record myself during some shows. The voice to text is very good. I've not used Google Live Scribe.  I might try otter where someone uses a tablet to read.

12:25:18 From Matt Williamson (he/him) to Everyone:

Gotta run - dinner time here! Do stay in touch folks - matt@taysideplanetarium.co.uk

12:32:16 From Carolyn S to Everyone:


12:32:21 From Alby Luchko (she/her) to Everyone:

I was late but I’ll have to watch the recording