2021-11-19 Chat
From John Gus Erickson : John Erickson, Berkeley/Richmond, CA
From Alan Gould - PPA Secretary : Berkeley California
From Kevin Healy : Mesa Community College Planetarium
From Guilherme Frederico Marranghello : Guilherme, Brazil, Planetário da Unipampa
From Astronomy in Action : Ryan - Toronto, Canada
From Carole Holmberg : Carole, Rock Hill, SC
From Todd Ullery : Todd Ullery - York, PA - York Learning Center Planetarium
From Guilherme Frederico Marranghello : WOW!!!
From Kevin Healy : Geometry Nodes is awesome in 3.0 beta
From Rosemary Walling : Signing in: Rosemary Walling, Marie Drake Planetarium
From Karl : I’ve got to run! Thanks so much for the presentation. I can’t believe I never knew how to walk around in blender! I’ll definitely be using that feature in the future.
From Guilherme Frederico Marranghello : I have to go! Thank you Jeff! Thank you all!
From Kevin Healy : Thank you, Jeff! Great resources!
From Ryan Marciniak - Astronomy in Action : Thanks Jeff! Lots of great ideas from your talk!
From Rafael Kimura : Thanks, Jeff! It was great!
From Ryan Marciniak - Astronomy in Action : Gotta go - thanks Jeff and everyone!