Seminar Archive

Planetarians' Zoom Seminars are usually on the last Friday of the month. All recordings of the seminars are uploaded to the PPA Youtube channel

For upcoming zoom seminars, please see the Seminar Schedule page.

 For instructions on how to join in a seminar, see the Online Seminar page.

Seminar Recordings:

Planetarium Zoom Seminars — YouTube playlist:

YouTube Playlist of Recorded Seminars 

Our latest recording is from January 31. Explore a Universe of Data with OpenSpace led by Micah Acinapura and Alex Bock. OpenSpace is free and open-source software using state-of-the-art visualization techniques to create stunning, interactive tours of space and Earth. Whether you’re exploring distant planets or the latest scientific discoveries, OpenSpace offers an immersive experience compatible with planetarium domes, theaters, flat screens, touch tables, and is currently used by over 80 institutions around the globe.

Archive Recordings from Previous Years:

2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018