2023 Agenda & Minutes
PPA Business Meeting 06.23.23
[Minutes by Jacque Benitez standing in for PPA Secretary]
Andy Kryeche, Jim Todd, Jeremy Amarant, John Erickson, Benjamin Mendelson, Toshi Komatsu, Karl Von Ahnen, Robert Pippen, Allen Tompson, Karrie Berglund, Katie Iadanza, Andy Kerr, Nick Strobal, Alan Gould, Ryan Wyatt, Ryan Morre, Ken Miller, Tina Ratterman, Kate McCallum, Lieme Forbes, Becky Lindsey, Jacque Benitez
Call to Order
Additions to the agenda?
Old Business
Approval of last meeting's minutes - Approved
Treasurer's Report
Good shape - money in the account
Income ~$4,200
Expenses ~$4,800
Great western observer ad distributions to RMPA, SWAP, GPPA
State of Nevada nonprofit corporation annual fee
Mini-Grants (4)
Postage (for copies of Panorama)
Paypal fees
PPA Zoom account
Any member who would like more detailed accounting, please contact PPA Treasurer, Alan Gould
IPS Representative report
Committee reports:
IDEA Committee
Indigenous Collaborations in Planetarium
No guide but working with local communities
Number of states represented in the committee
Ryan Wyatt - COSMO Visions brought together indigenous and non-indigenous knowledge holders. Report coming out soon about collaborations.
Email Andy Kreyche to join the committee.
History Non-Committee
More information is being added to the website
PPA newsletters & panoramas
Past presidents
Mini-Grant Committee
3 mini-grants from last year
Details are on the website for projects
This year, help have someone attend the US Regionals conference
Issue: When should we make an announcement?
Needs more time for applications
Historically $500. Want to be sustainable and not give too many out or the amount.
With inflation, maybe try a larger amount.
Some might not apply because it was too little. Was affirmed by Ryan Moore
Still needs to be in line with incoming. Fewer for more money.
We could say we have X amount. Have applicants submit how much they need. Similar to GLPA.
Could ask vendors to donate to Mini-grant to increase the pool of money?
Question: Can donations come from anyone or just planetarians?
Answer: YES
New Business
IPS Questionnaire (See below)
Have any new planetariums opened in your area?
Madison Sphere Garden in Nevada. 16K x 16K
Cosmn Park in Los Angeles
Contra Consta College, San Pablo CA (closed and reopened)
What kind of resources can IPS provide?
Always Content - Free
Anything we can use to put on the dome to share with the general public
Assist with admin to prove the planetarium are important
Clarifying what content is will help.
More imagery and content outside astronomy. Short clips are helpful!
Eclipse - resources would be great
AAS is creating this resource page.
What are some of the major challenges?
The Sphere in Nevada
Budgets everywhere
Getting to know we exist - Marketing
Setting aside some money to help with marketing
How to spend money? Best Practices for Marketing
Is there anything else?
Use federal migration funds for a portable dome. Older students teach younger students. Prosser, Washington.
Need a subcommittee, to help support hosts for conferences. Take one the administrative tasks and let the host think about the local aspect.
Would like more time to think about these questions? Could assign PPA secretary to gather ideas.
Mini-Grants discussion (For the committee to take under advisement)
How much?
How many?
Ideas for funding?
See notes above.
Other discussions?
President, Treasurer, Secretary
Nominations? Seconds?
Mary Holt for Secretary
Alan Gould for Treasurer
[In agenda: Ayes and Nays for any running unopposed
Form elections committee to send out ballots if needed. ]
Motion to approve by acclimation
Unanimous vote YES!
Alan - This may be his last term
Karl - Six years have been well. Ready to move on.
Jeremy Amarant for President
[Close nominations and seconds]
Motion to approve by acclimation
Unanimously vote Yes!
Form new committee
Out Reach/ In Reach Committee - Visit Planetarium and report to the newsletter. Karl was planning on doing it already, making it official.
Sub-Committee to seek conference locations
Have a hard time for some places to host.
Jim Todd for a potential 2026 conference
IPS year, maybe have it in October
Still need to do some research and analyze some things before committing.
Might want to put feelers out for the conference. Nice to have a physical as well as a Zoom conference.
How often and at what time of year for PPA conferences?
Up to host for when try to do every year.
Western Alliance - coordinate with other groups
Many considerations for when.
School year
Other conferences
Religious holiday
Not everyone can go to IPS, still a need for regionals on IPS years
Next year, we have been invited GLPA conference in Peoria, IL. Oct 22 - 26, 2024. If we need to vote on it, special Zoom meeting.
It may be time to make it easier for someone to host. GLPA has a significant conference hosting guide. PPA does have a guide.
Need a subcommittee to help support hosts for conferences. Take one of the administrative tasks and let the host think about the local aspect.
Could have next host shadow and be part of the organizing of the current conferences.
Similar to post and current presidents
Bay area conference. Hosted at one site but could be supported by other institutions.
How many members? 50-100 members, but not all in the region, and some are inactive planetariums.
Is there an active list of domes? IPS has a list of active physical and portable domes. ~4,000 active planetariums in the world. The best list of planetariums is the Worldwide Planetariums Database at
Discussion/ form a committee to resolve issues concerning "Board of Trustees"
2026 IPS Conference
Decide on next year's business meeting place/time
Possible WAC in PPA area?
Asked to join GLPA (read emails)