Chat from 2021-05-28
14:01:50 From Alan Gould, PPA Secretary to Everyone:
PLEASE SIGN IN (Name & where you're from)
Alan Gould from Berkeley CA.
14:02:04 From Todd Ullery to Everyone:
Todd Ullery from York PA USA
14:02:07 From Cal Powell to Everyone:
Cal Powell, Alexandria, VA
14:02:09 From Mike Askins - De Anza to Everyone:
Mike Askins — De Anza College, Cupertino
14:02:11 From Tony Smith to Everyone:
Tony Smith, Bishop Museum, Honolulu
14:02:14 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
Amie Gallagher, RVCC Planetarium, Branchburg, NJ
14:02:17 From Digitalis Education Solutions to Everyone:
Karrie Berglund, Bremerton, WA
14:02:22 From Jon Bell to Everyone:
Jon U. Bell, Hallstrom Planetarium, Indian River State College, Fort Pierce, Florida
14:02:23 From John Erickson to Everyone:
John Erickson, Berkeley/Richmond, CA
14:02:41 From Carole Holmberg to Everyone:
Carole Holmberg, Museum of York County, Rock Hill, SC
14:03:04 From Guilherme Frederico Marranghello to Everyone:
Guilherme Marranghello, Planetário da Unipampa, Bagé/Brazil
14:03:13 From Karl to Everyone:
Karl von Ahnen, Santa Cruz, California
14:03:31 From Dário Fonseca to Everyone:
Dario Fonseca, Hemispherium @ Exploratorio in Coimbra, Portugal
14:12:59 From Guilherme Frederico Marranghello to Everyone:
You can save meeting models in zoom
14:18:52 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
I experienced many of the same experiences, Polls, Hybrid or in-person classes vs fully remote, etc.
14:19:16 From Katie Iadanza to Everyone:
Me too.
14:19:36 From Benjamin Mendelsohn to Everyone:
I’m saving my questions to the end
14:21:09 From Guilherme Frederico Marranghello to Everyone:
We start our session with a 2min30s vídeo instead of a slide and repeat it once before starting.
14:25:41 From Benjamin Mendelsohn to Everyone:
a croissant
14:26:01 From Alan Gould, PPA Secretary to Everyone:
14:26:25 From Jon Bell to Everyone:
Too thin for food, looks like fingernail clipping.
14:26:39 From Benjamin Mendelsohn to Everyone:
14:27:19 From Benjamin Mendelsohn to Alan Gould, PPA Secretary(Direct Message):
Cary wold be happy
14:28:53 From Tony Smith to Everyone:
Gotta get a show going, great to see you all! Nice work Toshi and Mike, thanks for sharing your experiences!
14:30:20 From John Erickson to Everyone:
Is it “It’s not full! Gibbous more Moon!”
14:30:44 From Digitalis Education Solutions to Everyone:
I was wondering what the joke was. Thanks, John!
14:31:18 From Alan Gould, PPA Secretary to Benjamin Mendelsohn(Direct Message):
Gibbous this day our daily bread
14:31:47 From Alan Gould, PPA Secretary to Everyone:
Gibbous this day our daily bread
14:31:50 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
I have them pretend to be astronauts around the 30 minute mark in our show.
14:33:23 From Jon Bell to Everyone:
From Aimie's activity, you can always bring out that old "Lost on the Moon" exercise; that always gets a good response, even from our college students...
14:34:27 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
I have them pretend to float and then hop around on the "Moon." What's your "Lost on the Moon" activity?
14:34:36 From Guilherme Frederico Marranghello to Everyone:
they have now
14:36:12 From Guilherme Frederico Marranghello to Everyone:
there is a poll option in more expensive meet plans. I have never used.
14:36:59 From Jon Bell to Everyone:
I can send it to you - you get a list of fifteen items that you were able to salvage from when your ship landed on the moon. The ship's broken and you and your crew have to hike to another ship and safety. So you prioritize the items from most to least needed. Oxygen tanks are #1, Matches is #15.
14:37:19 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
14:40:47 From Digitalis Education Solutions to Everyone:
I turned that into an exhibit with images of the 15 items. People had to sort them into three categories: Very useful, somewhat useful, not at all useful. Here's a ridiculously long link to a PDF of the exercise:
14:46:22 From Digitalis Education Solutions to Everyone:
Garching. I know Guereins well. : )
14:46:35 From John Erickson to Everyone:
Garching is the horizon I think I saw.
14:46:38 From Toshi Komatsu - De Anza to Everyone:
guerins or garchin(sp?)
14:46:46 From Jon Bell to Everyone:
What's nice about it is that first, it helps students to understand that the moon's environment (such as it is,) is not earth's; so matches, which would be massively useful when you need a fire and have an atmosphere to sustain a fire, is next to useless on the moon. Its also a take on the old Lifeboat exercise, and participants take on different roles, such as leader, scientist, etc.
14:46:54 From Digitalis Education Solutions to Everyone:
It's Garching. I've looked at Guereins a lot.
14:47:55 From John Erickson to Everyone:
Guereins has a tree in an inconvenient place for some sunsets.
14:48:03 From Mary (Planetarium Educator) to Everyone:
Yeah I learned that the hard way too... lol
14:48:17 From Digitalis Education Solutions to Everyone:
Trivia: The Guereins landscape is the hometown of Fabian Chereau, who created Stellarium.
14:49:50 From Jon Bell to Everyone:
Wow, Kerrie, very nice work! When and where's the next LIPS, or will it be zoom? It would be fun to try this (or maybe not - we're all so smart and clever, we'd be done in 5 minutes and looking for a good pizza place.)
14:49:55 From Mary (Planetarium Educator) to Everyone:
I showed up late so sorry if this was talked about already, and if so just ignore me: but are y'all going to be online still in the fall, or going back to in person? And in either case, do you plan to keep doing these online field trips?
14:51:53 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
Are you getting local schools or from a much larger region that would not ordinarily visit you?
14:52:01 From Digitalis Education Solutions to Everyone:
Re LIPS 2021: Right now we're planning to do it in person, hosted by the Carnegie Science Center (Pittsburgh) from September 21 through 24. The CSC folks are gathering the final big costs, and then we'll figure out registration and sponsorship fees. I hope to get that info sorted out by the end of next week.
14:52:14 From Alan Gould, PPA Secretary to Mary (Planetarium Educator)(Direct Message):
They mentioned that they are considering continuing doing virtual field trips even in the fall. But hopefully in-person ones too
14:52:40 From Mary (Planetarium Educator) to Alan Gould, PPA Secretary(Direct Message):
Cool cool, thank you!
14:52:43 From Dário Fonseca to Everyone:
The participants list will show raised hands above everyone else
14:54:01 From Jon Bell to Everyone:
Here on Florida's Treasure Coast, we are fully open, albeit with a cap on audience size. In August, the cap will be lifted, and I'm looking forward to both public audiences and college students. We did re-open for K - 12 field trips back in January, but I am expecting that the public school administrators will be keeping a moratorium on field trips. So I am looking to promote private and home school group visits.
14:54:20 From Digitalis Education Solutions to Everyone:
Are you having much trouble with technical issues? I know that Beau Hartweg from Tyler, Texas sets up a tech check with the teacher before the actual program in the hopes of avoiding tech problems.
14:54:26 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
They found me with Google searches!
14:57:29 From Guilherme Frederico Marranghello to Everyone:
I have to go. Nice to see you all! Stay safe and have a good night!
14:57:45 From Mary (Planetarium Educator) to Everyone:
Purple is objectively the best color ;)
14:57:56 From Digitalis Education Solutions to Everyone:
What Mary said.
14:58:52 From Digitalis Education Solutions to Everyone:
You'd better watch out for Google employees coming to convince you to use Google Meet.
14:58:56 From Mary (Planetarium Educator) to Everyone:
Gotta go do a live section in the planetarium, lol, glad to pop in for a bit of this!
15:02:04 From Karl to Everyone:
Do you know yet if De Anza will be open in the Fall?
15:05:40 From Jon Bell to Everyone:
Thanks Kerrie, I will try to make plans!