2022-03-25 chat

09:33:15 From Alan Gould PPA Treasurer to Everyone:

PLEASE SIGN IN (Name & where you're from)


Alan Gould from Berkeley California USA.

[09:30:59 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:

Rosemary Walling, Marie Drake Planetarium, Juneau, AK]

09:33:29 From Keith Johnson to Everyone:

Keith “DJ” Johnson Pine Hill NJ

09:33:40 From Karen Klamczynski to Everyone:

Karen Klamczynski, Salt Lake City, UT

09:33:42 From Philip Blanco to Everyone:

Philip Blanco, San Diego California

09:33:48 From jon elvert to Everyone:

Jon Elvert, Richmond, VA

09:33:51 From Jacque Benitez - Morrison Planetarium to Everyone:

Jacque Benitez - Morrison Planetarium, San Francisco CA

09:33:53 From Ken Miller to Everyone:

Ken Miller - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

09:33:53 From Toshi Komatsu to Everyone:

Toshi Komatsu, Cupertino, CA

09:33:55 From Robin Byrne to Everyone:

Robin Byrne, Northeast State Community College, Blountville, TN

09:33:56 From Cal Powell to Everyone:

Cal Powell, Alexandria, VA, USA

09:34:04 From David Leake to Everyone:

Dave Leake (retired), Champaign, IL

09:34:08 From Lionel Ruiz to Everyone:

Lionel Ruiz, Marseille's Observatory (France)

09:34:24 From Karl to Everyone:

Karl von Ahnen, Santa Cruz Mts., Calif.

09:34:53 From Andy Kreyche to Everyone:

Andy Kreyche, Santa Cruz, California. As of Monday, I am working (for the second time) at the Hartnell College Planetarium in Salinas, CA.

09:35:34 From Ian McLennan to Everyone:

Ian McLennan, Vancouver, Canada

[10:44:11 From Sarah Weaver:

St. Paul, MN- St. Paul Public Schools (urban setting)]

[answers to the question, "What's wrong with the 'Cone of Learning'"]

09:40:30 From Philip Blanco to Everyone:

How do you know what 100% is?

09:40:47 From Alan Gould PPA Treasurer to Everyone:

Where did the percentages come from?

09:40:54 From Ian McLennan to Everyone:

Lot would depend on what we ALREADY have heard and seen about a particular subject

09:41:24 From Alan Gould PPA Treasurer to Everyone:

Looks like some sort of  pyramid scheme

09:41:24 From Andy Kreyche to Everyone:

So many variables in any given moment: mood, distractions, psychological state, etc.

09:41:27 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:

There's no consideration of how much thought the person actually does during each one.

09:41:34 From Karen Klamczynski to Everyone:

I do not remember 70% of what I said two weeks ago!

09:42:01 From Toshi Komatsu to Everyone:

@Karen +1

09:42:01 From Philip Blanco to Everyone:

i.e. How can one quantify "100% of what we see"? If you cannot, then "30% of what we see" is meaningless.

09:42:13 From Karen Klamczynski to Everyone:

There's no role of repetition in here or intent to learn/studying.

09:42:19 From Cal Powell to Everyone:

@Karen +2

09:42:36 From Karl to Everyone:

How are people tested for what they remember?

09:50:32 From Philip Blanco to Everyone:

2 Timothy 4:3 "For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires.".

09:57:07 From Philip Blanco to Everyone:

Veritasium YouTube channel has a video about bogus learning styles called "The biggest myth in education", with on-the-street interviews.

10:29:16 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:

Spaced recall educational software companies: IDoRecall and Cerego

10:29:21 From Toshi Komatsu to Everyone:

Link the the video @Philip mentioned above: https://youtu.be/rhgwIhB58PA

10:29:25 From Ian McLennan to Everyone:

Thanks. Jenny - Superb (as expected)

10:30:36 From Alan Gould PPA Treasurer to Everyone:

References from Dr. Shipway attached

10:33:45 From Jenny Shipway to Everyone:


10:44:40 From Andy Kreyche to Everyone:

Yay for models and presenting the planetarium as a model! I regularly bring up models and have a conversation about them based on a great presentation given by Alan Gould years ago.

10:47:30 From Karl to Everyone:

Thank you Jenny. Lots of really useful information!

10:47:47 From Lionel Ruiz to Everyone:

Great Talk, Jenny !

10:47:56 From Toshi Komatsu to Everyone:

Thank you for fighting the good fight against the learning styles myth!

10:48:09 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:

Thank you. Very nice!

10:48:12 From Philip Blanco to Everyone:

Inspirational, thank you!

10:48:46 From Jenny Shipway to Everyone:

Haha Toshi - always!

10:48:59 From Andy Kreyche to Everyone:

Very thought provoking and useful. Thank you!

10:49:03 From Ken Miller to Everyone:

Well done Jenny.  Thanks!

10:49:22 From Karen Klamczynski to Everyone:

Thank you for the great talk! It's made links to things already filed away in my brain :D

10:49:28 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:

Nice seeing everyone. Thank you, again