PPA Zoom Meeting Minutes - 29 July 2020
PPA Zoom Meeting Minutes - 29 July 2020
Called to order 10:06 by President, Karl von Ahnen
- Approval of minutes from last two meetings (2019; June 12, 2020)
- Benjamin moved /Bob seconded motion to approve minutes of both meetings Aug 2019 meeting and June 2020 meeting. Motion passed.
- Additions to agenda
- • PPA Historian (past presidents, ....)
- • IPS/PPA Directory update effort
- • Introductions (attendees)
- Attendees: Karl von Ahnen, Alan Gould, Bob Pippen, Toshi Komatsu, John Erickson, Jon Elvert, Andy Kreyche, Tony Smith, Ryan Wyatt, Mary Holt, Josh Roberts, Benjamin Mendelsohn, Rosemary Walling, Mark Webb, Bing Quock
- Reports
- Treasurer's Report
- GWO Ads are our main source of income, much more than dues. Main expenses are for Zoom account ($150), State of Nevada annual filing ($50), distributions of GWO ad revenue to GPPA, RMPA, & SWAP, and this year we purchased a wireless conference speaker for hybrid in-person/zoom PPA meetings. Most income and even some expenditures are done through PayPal now. We also have a Business checking account and credit card through Mechanics Bank. Copy of complete report available on request to the Treasurer.
- IPS Affiliate's Report
- Topics/items will be submitted by Benjamin Mendelsohn, IPS Representative.
- Committees
- Diversity Committee
- Committee members are Andy Kreyche, Ryan Wyatt, Benjamin Mendelsohn (current chair), Mary Holt, Toshi Komatsu. IPS code of conduct doesn't exactly apply for PPA and strategies for addressing problems that arise are not ideal in that they are more punitive than corrective.
- Bylaws Committee - see proposed changes
- and agenda item 6 below. Alan and Karl gave summary of proposed changes.
- Mini-grant Committee
- At the June PPA Business Meeting, the PPA voted to initiate a Mini Grants Program. Inspired by a program of mini grants awarded earlier in the year by IPS, the PPA would award up to three grants of $500 to give some relief to planetariums during the Covid pandemic. A Mini Grants committee consisting of Alan Gould, Andy Kreyche, Jon Elvert, and Karl von Ahnen was formed to administer the grants. A web form was created to accept applications and the program was announced on June 23, with applications accepted through July 24.
- On July 27 the committee met to review a total of 14 applications and decided to award two winners on the planned announcement date of July 29. They are
- Aaron Slonecker from the Thomas Planetarium at the Anchorage Museum in Anchorage, Alaska
- Alice Few and Hillary Stephens from the Pierce College Science Dome in Lakewood, Washington.
- Both are within the PPA region, both are members, and they will both use the funds to enhance existing outreach and STEM programs with local students.
- Because of so many other strong applications, the Mini Grants Committee would like to further extend the awards to a few more of the other most worthy applicants. We believe the need is great right now and the excellent state of PPA finances warrants more generosity. Since up to three $500 grants were to be awarded and only $1,000 awarded so far, with an additional outlay of $2,700 added to the $500 remaining, the committee could give out several other awards of a lesser value. One example would be to give out 8 more awards of $400 each. In subsequent years, we could scale back the number of awards, assuming pandemic strains diminish.
- For this reason the 2020 Mini Grants Committee requests approval from membership to increase the existing approved total to be awarded this year to $4,200. If approved, the committee will meet to grant additional awards totaling $3,200 to existing applicants ASAP.
- Diversity Committee
- Treasurer's Report
- Expand funding of mini-grant project for this year
- (see mini grant page and minutes from June 12, 2020)
- Benjamin moved/ Toshi seconded: Add $2500 to the amount approved in June for mini grants for 2020. Passed.
- Discuss/adopt new bylaws revisions (proposed changes)
- Based on feedback from Toshi, Article 3 item 1, suggest delete "(annual dues of $15 or lifetime membership for one-time payment of $180)" in the next revision to the bylaws.
- Benjamin/Tony We accept changes to bylaws as posted to membership. Passed.
- 2021 conference—Do we join SEPA?
- Alan/Bob We accept SEPA's invitation for 2021 conference. Passed (7 ayes, 1 nay, 5 abstentions).
- PPA Historian (past presidents, ....) non-committee: Bob, Alan, John E, Jon, Benjamin, Bing. (contact Gail Chaid, Mike Bennet, John Mosley)
- IPS/PPA Directory update effort - Benjamin as PPA IPS rep is reaching out to people in PPA region who were in the IPS Directory to update the IPS directory. Lots of bounced emails and very few responses. Next step would be making some phone calls. Anyone willing to help? Andy, Karl, Alan would. Tony can reach out to Hawaii people.
- Announcements: Tony announced new member, his son. John also announced new member at longitude 0.
- Adjourn. Benjamin moved /Jon seconded: Adjourned 11:50am.