Pointer Project

Below are downloadable files for creating a planetarium pointer. This project was supported by a PPA minigrant awarded to John Erickson in 2022.

As 3D models can be edited, this project is ongoing, and the intention is that as improvements are developed, they will be incorporated into the design. People are also invited to make their own improvements or customizations, and if they want to share any design on this site, contact John Erickson. (jerick<at>berkeley.edu)

John Erickson's rationale for this project:

I have long felt that every pointer that I have used has had some shortcoming. I’ll list a few. Some of these items come from others who have given me feedback about what they would like in a pointer, but most of them are things I have been thinking about for a long time. You may think I am being nit-picky, and so I am, but if even a small shortcoming can be fixed, then why not? Another note: Since I enjoy doing participatory programs, and since I wish to encourage others to do the same, instead of referring to the people who come to programs as ‘visitors’ or ‘audience’ I call them ‘participants.’ I suppose that word also applies to the presenter. 

So, the pointer I have developed has these features: