20230526 chat

11:00:37 From  Alan Gould PPA Treasurer : Alan Gould, Lawerence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley, USA

11:00:49 From  Jeff Nee (he, him) : Jeff Nee Pasadena, CA

11:01:07 From  Heather : Hello! This is Heather D. Smith in Jacksonville, Florida for SSA.

11:01:19 From  Carolyn S : Carolyn Slivinski, STScI, Baltimore MD

11:01:25 From  Karl : Karl von Ahnen, Santa Cruz Mts., California

11:01:25 From  Todd Ullery : Hi SSA from York PA

11:01:33 From  Gitza Mas : Hi! Gitza Más SSA from Puerto Rico

11:01:35 From  Sharife Gacel : Sharife Gacel, SSA from Orlando, FL

11:01:44 From  Michael Long : SSA from Holland, MI

11:02:00 From  Larry Metcalf : Hi! SSA from Columbia, SC

11:03:21 From  Steve M : Steve Murray SSA from San Diego, CA

11:03:29 From  Jeff Nee (he, him) : https://krita.org/en/

11:04:48 From  Gregory Shanos : The Lionfish invasion in the Gulf of Mexico

11:13:00 From  Paul Cirillo : Any suggestions on how to download a video from NASA that's not copyrighted, but they haven't provided a download link? Something free please. Thanks.

11:13:18 From  Todd Ullery : I tell my constellation show audience to use their cell phone, there is a red screen app called "Color Flashlight" that works well

11:13:21 From  Jeff Nee (he, him) : Replying to "Any suggestions on h..."

images.nasa.gov has videos too

11:14:44 From  Dário Fonseca : Replying to "Any suggestions on h..."


11:14:56 From  Jeff Nee (he, him) : Reacted to "svs.gsfc.nasa.gov" with 👍

11:16:09 From  Jeff Nee (he, him) : Reacted to "I tell my constellat..." with 👍

11:16:13 From  Dário Fonseca : Replying to "Any suggestions on h..."

if you mean from youtube or facebook (or some other websites), I use this free tool:


11:20:19 From  Dário Fonseca : Replying to "Any suggestions on h..."

or a browser extension like Video DownloadHelper

11:20:24 From  Jeff Nee (he, him) : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OMp7nnjEDsHA9AN-oXq-r0_UK9BGnkXB6k4eQaHGqis/edit?usp=sharing

11:20:27 From  Jeremy Amarant : Jeremy Amarant

11:20:41 From  Alan Gould PPA Treasurer : Krita - https://krita.org/en/

Krita manual - https://docs.krita.org/en/

11:20:45 From  Karl : Garth von Ahnen, Santa Cruz Mts, California

11:20:46 From  Rosemary Walling : Rosemary Walling, Marie Drake Planetarium, Juneau, AK

11:20:48 From  dennis crowley : Hello- everyone- Dennis Crowley- from Idaho Falls, cID

11:20:53 From  Tish Bresee : Hi Everyone, Tish Bresee here from Kopernik Observatory in Vestal, NY

11:21:05 From  Carole Holmberg, Museum of York County : Carole Holmberg, Rock Hill, SC once again with no camera or microphone

11:21:08 From  Stephen Edberg : Steve Edberg. Greetings.

11:21:08 From  Jeremy Amarant : Jeremy Amarant SAGE Planetarium Palmdale School District, Palmdale, CA

11:21:12 From  Walter Albrecht : Walter Albrecht

Saratoga Springs, NY

11:21:21 From  Paul Cirillo : Paul Cirillo

11:21:23 From  Bridget Kimsey : Oh, I seem to be missing from my first Hi. So, Hi SSA’s from South Burlington, VT

11:21:33 From  Elspeth Lewis : Hi everyone, I'm Elspeth Lewis from the National Space Centre in the UK

11:21:34 From  Kevin Simkins : Kevin Simkins, Chicago...

11:21:35 From  John’s iPad : Happy Friday everyone. John Hodge, SSA, Columbia, SC

11:21:51 From  Paul Cirillo : Paul Cirillo  SSA - NJ

11:22:22 From  Dário Fonseca : Dário Fonseca from Exploratório @ Coimbra, Portugal

11:22:23 From  Martin Weiss : Hi there, I'm Martin Weiss - SSIA Tech\SkySkan - West Coast California, but also numerous places on the East Coast.

11:23:06 From  Brittany Brockenton : Hello, Brittany Brockenton Solar System Ambassador- Charlotte NC

11:26:13 From  Bridget Kimsey : Link to GIMP?

11:26:35 From  Dário Fonseca : gimp.org

11:29:01 From  Paul Cirillo : Surveyor

11:30:49 From  Paul Cirillo : Rats!

11:31:02 From  Tish Bresee : Link to JUNO cam?

11:31:43 From  Alan Gould PPA Treasurer : Here's one link:

11:31:46 From  Alan Gould PPA Treasurer : https://www.missionjuno.swri.edu/junocam

11:33:13 From  Tish Bresee : Jeff, which activities best for kids

11:33:26 From  Rosemary Walling : Did anyone make a complete layer for Jupiter  from JUNO cam?

11:38:32 From  Tish Bresee : That's great - thanks for the ideas

11:38:35 From  Rosemary Walling : Are there free (or very inexpensive) apps doing basic image processing this that run through a browser on Chrome?

11:38:42 From  Rosemary Walling : Thank you

11:39:16 From  Rosemary Walling : … hrough a browser OR on a Chromebook?

11:39:51 From  Gus Becker : Also Photopea:


11:39:53 From  Alan Gould PPA Treasurer : https://pixlr.com

11:40:00 From  Walter Albrecht : Pass out a grid filled with numbers and have them color in the squares with colors assigned to the numbers.  They will see how data can become a picture.

11:43:01 From  Christopher : Awesomeness!!

11:45:07 From  Bridget Kimsey : Reacted to "Pass out a grid fill…" with 👍

11:47:52 From  Bea : I've used IrfanView for many years. It's freeware, too.

11:48:34 From  Bob Savoy : Thanks for the “Show and Tell.” Must leave now.

11:48:41 From  Bea : https://www.irfanview.com/

11:49:34 From  Rosemary Walling : Jeff or Alan, if you don’t have a panorama that goes all of 360 degrees around the bottom of the dome, you could resize the canvas to be the correct aspect ratio (2:1?) and have a transparent layer underneath (or on top)?

11:50:58 From  Tish Bresee : So, generally, these sites are free and no down needed?

11:51:02 From  Gus Becker : Image processing with Python and scikit-image:


11:51:23 From  Martin Weiss : Affinity Photo is not free but also no subscription - $70 for a very powerful photo editing software worth having a look at.


11:53:32 From  Martin Weiss : Stable Diffusion - great AI-image creation tool - available for free on GitHub.

11:54:24 From  Tish Bresee : Jeff, thanks

11:54:51 From  Brittany Brockenton : DALL-E and Runway Diffusion are also good for image generation.

11:55:16 From  Kevin Simkins : Blender in VR?  Open Blender and go to Preferences then the Add-ons tab. Click 3D View then VR Scene Inspection to enable the script.

11:57:19 From  Rosemary Walling : can you explain how to zoom in gimp?

11:58:18 From  Elspeth Lewis : There is a "remove background" button in powerpoint for if you are not a perfectionist and are in a rush

11:58:54 From  Alan Gould PPA Treasurer : Snapseed is photo app for iPhone - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/snapseed/id439438619

11:59:02 From  Martin Weiss : Thanks Jeff and Alan for today! Bye everyone!

12:00:36 From  Bea : Thanks, those were some great ideas! Gotta go now :)

12:00:47 From  Rosemary Walling : I think this is the one I used to remove a sky: https://pixcut.wondershare.com/

12:01:00 From  Dário Fonseca : wget

12:01:17 From  Dário Fonseca : wget -np -r -nc --no-directories http://sdowww.lmsal.com/sdomedia/hv_jp2kwrite/v0.8/jp2/AIA/2023/01/02/171/

12:01:40 From  Dário Fonseca : netpbm

12:03:44 From  Dário Fonseca : n=1 ; for i in *.jp2; do jpeg2ktopam $i | pnmgamma 2.8 2 1.2 | pnmnorm -bvalue=30 -wvalue=210 -midvalue=100 | pamscale .5 | pnmtojpeg -quality=95 > ../171_202301.jpg/`printf "%06d.jpg" $n`; echo $n; n=$((n+1)); done

12:04:06 From  Dário Fonseca : ffmpeg

12:04:11 From  Dário Fonseca : ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 125 -i F:\2023\Astro\SDO\171_202301.jpg\%06d.jpg -vf "scale=1024x1024:flags=lanczos, deflicker" -codec:v libxvid -mpeg_quant 2 F:\2023\Astro\SDO\171_202301_1k_xvid_125fps.avi

12:06:22 From  Brittany Brockenton : Starryai app is also good for generating your own space and galaxy themed images and visualizing  concepts.

12:10:18 From  Heather : TY!

12:10:23 From  Kevin Simkins : Thank you !!

12:10:28 From  Carolyn S : Thank you!!

12:10:29 From  Jeff Nee (he, him) : jnee@jpl.nasa.gov

12:10:36 From  Walter Albrecht : Thank you so much!

12:10:38 From  Karl : Excellent! Thank you

12:10:44 From  Stephen Edberg : Thanks Alan and Jeff. Nice to see you both.

12:10:46 From  Gus Becker : Thanks!

12:10:50 From  Rosemary Walling : Thank you!