2018 Minutes
Minutes of the 2018 June 8 PPA Business Meeting in Memphis
Karl called the meeting to order 9:30 am with in-person attendees: Karl Von Ahnen, Bob Pippin, Karrie Berglund, Karla Harrington, Vince Tobin, Ken Miller, Alan Gould, and remote (Zoom-in) attendees Josh Roberts, Dave Cuomo, Andy Kreyche, Toshi Komatsu, Benjamin Mendelsohn. We have a quorum.
Karl showed minutes from last meeting via screen share. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer's report
Income: $13,368.92
- $12,618.92 Transfers from Nevada State Bank to Mechanics Bank
- $750.00 Dues
Expenses: $3,150
- $3000 GWO Ad distributions
- $150 Zoom videoconference account
Income less Expenses: $10,218.92
Balance in Mechanics Bank: $10,756.92
See more detailed Treasurer's Report.
Bob moved that President Von Ahnen be added to the Mechanics Bank account as a signatory. Ken seconded. Motion passed.
GWO Ads: $1000 checks were written to each regional (GPPA, SWAP, RMPA) so we're square with them. In future, GWO add revenues can be distributed annually, e.g. at the beginning of the calendar year. Karrie moved to accept the treasurer's report. Bob seconded. Motion passed.
Success of the Pacific Planetarium Seminars (PPS)--attendance is 10-15 each so far.
IPS Professional Dev (led by Karrie) would like to host webinars. Karrie has gotten over 60 prof dev surveys so far.
The question of how Pacific Planetarium Seminars could also serve IPS was briefly discussed. We would need to be sure that PPA members have free access to seminars, both live and recorded.
A vendor offered to provide sponsorship of PPS. This was discussed and the issue tabled. There was not much support for the idea. The main objection was to having any single vendor getting credit for it. Could have substantive financial support or don't do it.
Toshi mentioned: There is a Facebook group (Derrick Demeter & Mike McConnell) that mentioned seminars...Toshi gave them the link to access archive recordings.
IPS Rep report (Benjamin)
IPS is planning on changing its governmental structure. Restructuring of Council representation with possibly 2 votes for the US remains to be discussed.
Our region is pretty spread out—so might not warrant 4 reps for the existing 4 WAC regionals. There are plans to have a paid Executive Director -- not full time (and not taking the place of the President). One goal is to make sure details get done--implementing policy determined by officers & council.
Web committee report
- Nick gave the PPA website a new look, with top navigation menus.
- John worked on putting the GWOs on the PPA site. (http://www.ppadomes.org/pubs/gwo )
- Alan, in consultation with Toshi, made a page for GWO advertisers. (http://www.ppadomes.org/pubs/gwo-advertisers )
- Alan has scan some older PPA newsletters (the Panorama) (http://www.ppadomes.org/pubs/panorama )
- The Members page has list of members and dues payment methods. (http://www.ppadomes.org/members )
- Alan will make a new page to put PPA Business Meeting minutes on as well as the Agendas.
- More officers to list on the website (include email, phone, and mailing addresses. Or single PPA address): Past President, IPS representative
- Josh volunteers to be on the web committee
Do we want any new committees?
The idea of a Seminar Committee was batted around. Would need someone to recruit presenters, host (preside?) the Zoom meetings, schedule, and make announcements to PPA email list & dome-l. We could also have Zoom meetings that did not have a designated presenter, but a general discussion on one or more topics.
History Committee? - one job would be to contact Norm Sperling who was the PPA archivist and may have all most newsletters.
Membership Committee?
Conference Committee?
Conference & membership issues feed each other.
Ken: most of the regionals are somewhat in decline & it would be good to turn that around.
Benjamin reached out to members individually in the past and it would be a good idea to do that again. Perhaps more help in doing that. Benjamin used the IPS list, portables, school districts. Recently, we were giving away 1-year PPA membership for new members.
Dave C. - Increasing membership would go along with increasing the value of membership. Web seminars are a good step. Could look for more new members in Washington & Idaho.
Ken M - In the east there are state meetings. Bay area used to have local meetings—Bay Area Domes (BAD).
Could there be more local/state meetings? There could be Zoom meetings that are not presenter-based.
Toshi - It may be good to have smaller meetings focussed on specific topics (like data to dome or show production, or the live interactive programs--LIPS).
Question: Who can take care of the Planetarian International News column ? It would make sense that whoever is collecting GWO PPA news (Andrew) should send it for IPS also. Karl will check with Andrew. Toshi - March issue of Planetarian has SWAP & RMPA.
10:50 am Bob moved to adjourn. Ken seconded. Meeting adjourned.