Online Seminars
Planetarians' Zoom Seminars
...(PZSs) are usually on the last Friday of the month at
11am (or possibly 2 pm) Pacific Time*
To Join a Planetarians' Zoom Seminar (PZS):
Zoom link with password is sent via email to the PPA email list and dome-L three times: (1) when a given PZS is first announced, (2) a day or two before the seminar, and (3) 10-15 minutes before the seminar start time.
Seminar etiquette:
Please use your real name, out of respect for the other participants. You can rename by clicking on your name either in the Zoom window or in the Participants list and choose Rename.
If possible join the seminar early and introduce yourself aloud and/or in the chat (which is also our "sign in sheet") with your real name, planetarium, and hometown.
It's best to mute your audio unless you have a question or something to say; then remember to unmute.
Questions are usually encouraged. It's always OK to use the chat to ask questions during a presentation.
Tzec Maun Observatory, AP206 Telescope.
11am Pacific Time is noon Mountain, 1pm Central, 2pm Eastern, 19:00 UT standard time or 18:00 UT daylight savings time
2pm Pacific Time is 3pm Mountain, 4pm Central, 5pm Eastern, 22:00 UT standard time or 21:00 UT daylight savings time