2023-09-29 chat


10:58:06 From April Whitt To Everyone: It’s a classic quote. [response to Amy Gallagher's comment that Jeff Nee would tell school audiences after showing artist conception of a person asking on Mars, one of you may be the one walking on Mars....  (need full quote)] 

[Michael McConville gave tour of the Planetarium Centennial website]

11:06:09 From Alan Gould PPA To Everyone: https://planetarium100.org/

11:10:45 From April Whitt To Everyone: The keynote will be awesome.

11:28:23 From Michael McConville (he/him) To Everyone:


11:34:50 From Jacob Hamer (NJ State Museum) To Everyone:

Jeff can the SDO content be displayed natively or does It need to be sliced for multiple projectors?

11:35:29 From Jeff Nee To Everyone:

...They release it as 4096x4096 frames, so however your dome handles that.

Link to my script and media for that activity I mentioned: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FZo7wRjluSZeBCRIJj7ujabv6s0VKss7a8fwReoIXHU/edit#heading=h.j71s3eb2nmp8

Here's a simple example to try in your dome from my show, 



but you might want to create your own as the Sun gets more active in the coming years.

jnee@jpl.nasa.gov if you have further questions or need help

11:35:10 From Michael McConville (he/him) To Everyone:

Reacted to "LInk to my script an..." with ❤️

11:49:03 From Jacob Hamer (NJ State Museum) To Everyone: Thanks, Jeff!

11:44:23 From Andy Kreyche To Everyone: The three stars (all magnitude 2) that are 100 light years away are:

Alkaid - Eta Urs Majoris

Alhena - Gamma Geminorum

Altair - Alpha Gruis

11:44:58 From April Whitt To Everyone: Patty Seaton set up some special effects projectors at a conference recently, with a “Can You Guess What This Is?” contest. A bottle of opaquing fluid was the winner.

11:45:17 From Dario Tiveron (FDDB.org + PLANit) To Everyone: Reacted to "Patty Seaton set up ..." with ❤️

11:45:22 From April Whitt To Everyone: I think.

11:45:58 From jon elvert To Everyone: That was at last year's MAPS. LOL

11:46:05 From April Whitt To Everyone: Yup.

11:49:34 From John Gus Erickson To Everyone:

https://store.lawrencehallofscience.org/Item/gems-more-than-magnifiers ...link to the More Than Magnifiers GEMS guide from the store at The Lawrence Hall of Science. It claims that they are in stock. The activities are made to be done with lenes you can order from JP Mfg., I don't know if the lenses are still available, but the activities can be adapted to other kinds of lenses if you have them.

[Alan Gould: More Than Magnifiers teacher guide that has activities using inexpensive plastic lenses.  Kids make telescope, microscope, ...slide projector]

11:53:49 From Jeff Nee To Everyone:

I've done similar activities with dollar store magnifying lenses with varying levels of success, so I can at least attest that different lenses CAN work

11:55:54 From Michael McConville (he/him) To Everyone:

#planetarium100 is the only official hashtag I'm aware of -- add more!!!

11:57:25 From Michael McConville (he/him) To Everyone:


11:58:40 From Michael McConville (he/him) To Everyone:

Fulldome: https://www.eso.org/public/videos/centennial-of-the-planetarium-en/

11:59:24 From April Whitt To Everyone: The correct term is “adapt” Howard.

12:01:10 From Carole Holmberg To Everyone: Oct. 21 is our National Chemistry Week celebration.

12:02:19 From Michael McConville (he/him) To Everyone:


12:02:49 From Michael McConville (he/him) To Everyone: https://youtu.be/38__rIDQGtE

12:03:41 From Andy Kreyche To Everyone: Not very large, but here’s an image of the stamp info from Deutsche Post site:


12:11:15 From April Whitt To Everyone: This was really great. Thanks!

12:12:01 From Dario Tiveron (FDDB.org + PLANit) To Everyone: Yes, it would be very useful!

12:13:38 From jon elvert To Everyone: I need to sign off, but this has been an informative session, great input. Thanks all.

12:14:10 From Bryan Mendez (he/him/his) To Everyone: Thanks everyone. I must be off to another meeting.

12:18:52 From Mike Murray To Everyone: Thank you for letting me chime in late! Great info.

12:19:49 From Kevin Kopchynski To Everyone: Thank you for hosting this!

12:20:01 From Amie Gallagher To Everyone: Thanks for a great meeting!

12:20:20 From Jeff Nee To Everyone: jnee@jpl.nasa.gov

12:20:45 From Noreen Grice To Everyone: Thanks for the meeting!

12:23:35 From Jeff Nee To Everyone: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/virtual-tour/

12:24:06 From Jeff Nee To Everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk0X3Sh2gIE