20230825 chat
Alan Gould, Lawrence Hall of Science Planetarium, UC Berkeley California USA.
Jim Todd, OMSI, Portland, Oregon
Andrew Buckingham, Auckland, New Zealand
John Erickson, Richmond, CA, The Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley
Joe Witte, Los Angeles, first timer🙂
Bryan Mendez with the Lawrence Hall of Science Planetarium, UC Berkeley, California, USA
Cal Powell, Volunteer at NASM, Alexandria, VA
M. Josh Roberts, somewhat domeless, working for NASA Ames Research Center
Dário Fonseca @ Exploratório in Coimbra, Portugal
Jon Bell, Indian River State College, Fort Pierce Florida Hallstrom Planetarium
Todd Ullery, York County Astronomical Society, York Learning Center Planetarium, York PA
Jonna Rintamäki & Santeri Manninen, Astronomical association Ursa, from Finland! 🙂
Jeremy Amarant, SAGE Planetarium, CA
Rosemary Walling, Marie Drake Planetarium, Juneau, AK
Scott Oldfield-Smith Middle School Planetarium, Vandalia (Ken Perkins old place)
Andy Kreyche, Santa Cruz, California.
14:14:33 From Jon U. Bell To Everyone: We do the best we can... As I recall, I think the judges wanted the bull's legs included.
14:16:00 From Josh Roberts To Everyone: I know many of those faces!
14:35:41 From Josh Roberts To Everyone: chocolate, noughat and caramel, right?
14:44:35 From Joe Witte To Everyone: Congratulations on your career and education paths!
14:52:31 From John Gus Erickson To Everyone: Once you arrive at a black hole, would that be the end of the journey? From Joe Witte 👍 😃 From Bryan Mendez 😂
14:59:23 From Jonna Rintamäki To Everyone: Thank you so much! Its 1 AM here, so we'll head to sleep, good day to you! 😁
15:00:34 From Jon U. Bell To Everyone: Got to get supper going, thanks again. Vigilate caeli...
15:00:41 From Karlsiphone To Everyone: Very nice!
15:04:22 From Andy Kreyche To Everyone: Thanks!
15:04:26 From Josh Roberts To Everyone: great info!
15:06:16 From Rosemary Walling To Everyone: Thank you. Good seminar today.