2024-02-23 Chat
Jeff Nee, Pasadena, CA!
Jeremy Amarant SAGE Planetarium Palmdale School District Palmdale, CA
Amie Gallagher, Raritan Valley Community College, Branchburg, NJ
Cal Powell, Alexandria, VA
Todd Ullery, York PA
Keith Johnson, Pine Hill NJ.
Jon Elvert, Richmond, Virginia
April Whitt, Atlanta, Geogia
Dário Fonseca, Coimbra, Portugal
John Erickson, Richmond, CA/London, UK
Noreen Grice, Connecticut
Alby Luchko, Cal State Northridge, California.
Rosemary Walling, Marie Drake Planetarium, Juneau, AK
Alan Gould, The Lawrence Planetarium, University of California Berkeley USA
John Spiesberger, Philadelphia
Nick Strobel, Bakersfield College, William M Thomas Planetarium
Dan Tell, Morrison Planetarium, San Francisco
Ryan Wyatt, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California
Sharon Shanks, Texas - Retired, Planetarian
Karl von Ahnen, Santa Cruz Mountains, California
Andy Kreyche - Santa Cruz, CA
Mike Askins, De Anza College Planetarium, Cupertino, Calif
Bryan Mendez, The Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, CA
Mark Webb, Chicago, IL
Toshi Komatsu, Cupertino, CA
Tom McDonough
Gail Chaid
Benjamin Mendelssohn
Jim Todd
Jim Manning
11:01:47 From April Whitt to Everyone:
I remember our techs being furious with the penny-throwing, because of the possible damages to lenses.
11:03:20 From April Whitt to Everyone:
Here’s a past one: How many different ways can a slide to into a projector?
11:04:32 From April Whitt to Everyone:
That’s in how many ways can a slide be inserted into a projector?
11:09:39 From Nick Strobel to Everyone:
My planetarium has one staff person (me). I have 20% of my time for the Planetarium. My professional development is paid from my own pocket.
11:11:50 From Andy Kreyche to Everyone:
Who *doesn’t* love metadata? ;-)
11:13:12 From Ryan Wyatt • he | him to Everyone:
BTW, AVM defines metadata tags for astronomical context:
11:15:11 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:
Before I would give a science talk at the planetarium, I would review recent talks including the public lecture series and more technical. People like up to date, and it would take me a couple of days getting ready. The talks and transcripts were valuable. An easy access to the images and some slides would be great. I'm just communicating the work of others.
11:17:06 From Alby Luchko (she/her) to Everyone:
I would love access to material directly from NASA as a trusted source of information that I can share. I didn’t know about it and would love to find out if that material is still accessible.
11:25:23 From Alby Luchko (she/her) to Everyone:
As someone new, I’d definitely like to look through the old presentations.
11:27:07 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
Here you go, Alby: https://www.youtube.com/@ppadomes/videos
11:36:23 From Andy Kreyche to Everyone:
Questions for discussion if we have time. (1) Do people have any input on the direction of LIPS (Live Interactive Planetarium Symposium) no that is a nonprofit? I am a member of the newly formed Board of Directors. (2) To Nick’s experience shared in the chat, are there any ideas for supporting the growth of planetariums as businesses, perhaps through IPS? Related to that, there seem to be administrators who value equipment over people. Any suggestions/solutions there? (3) I am active in a local chapter of DarkSky International (formerly IDA). Is there any interest in providing paper brochures at your planetarium? Does anyone use them anymore? If interested, contact me at akreyche@gmail.com. No promises, as the parent organization seems to be phasing out providing them.
11:39:49 From Ryan Wyatt • he | him to Everyone:
I feel that, for me, accepting the “old timer” moniker puts one in the wrong mental state to drive the much-needed change we need in the community. But that’s just my personal feeling…
11:39:59 From Andy Kreyche to Everyone:
Sharon sound was surprisingly well synced!
11:43:26 From April Whitt to Everyone:
I prefer the term “vintage.”
11:43:43 From Noreen Grice to Everyone:
I’m with April..
11:44:14 From Ryan Wyatt • he | him to Everyone:
Replying to "I prefer the term “v..."
I think “seasoned” is also a good word…
11:44:20 From Ryan Wyatt • he | him to Everyone:
Reacted to "I prefer the term “v..." with 👍
11:45:01 From jon elvert to Everyone:
yes, "seasoned"
11:48:23 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
Regardless of how many years I've worked, I still feel like we are the high schoolers running the ice cream store. This such a fun job.
11:48:42 From April Whitt to Everyone:
Amen, Amie!
11:48:50 From Mark Webb to Everyone:
Reacted to "Amen, Amie!" with 😄
11:49:00 From Andy Kreyche to Everyone:
Reacted to "Regardless of how ma…" with 💛
11:49:07 From Mark Webb to Everyone:
100% Amie!
11:49:09 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Regardless of how ma..." with 💛
11:49:12 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Amen, Amie!" with 😄
11:49:20 From Cal Powell to Everyone:
Reacted to "Regardless of how ma..." with 💛
11:50:00 From Ryan Wyatt • he | him to Everyone:
Reacted to "Regardless of how ma..." with 👍
11:52:40 From Todd Ullery to Everyone:
Question for the group, I have a warped media system with my Spitz 512, the color contrast on the dome is low, is that an artifact of two first surface mirrors or do I need to get a better projector?
11:55:24 From Mark Webb to Everyone:
Hi Todd, It may be that your dome is too bright also, not an easy fix.
12:00:40 From April Whitt to Everyone:
Jim and I were interns together at Morehead in 1976-78.
12:02:20 From Bryan Mendez to Everyone:
Great to see everyone! Have to go to another meeting now...
12:02:31 From April Whitt to Everyone:
Bye Bryan!
12:03:07 From Nick Strobel to Everyone:
Another public outreach I do is writing a twice/month astronomy column for the local newspaper
12:03:55 From April Whitt to Everyone:
Sorry - must leave. Thanks for the memories?
12:04:03 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Sorry - must leave. ..." with ❤️
12:05:22 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:
Can inexpensive strings of colored LEDs be used as cove lights?
12:05:47 From Nick Strobel to Everyone:
Cove lights save the projector life — cove light bulbs less expensive than projector bulbs
12:06:18 From Jim Todd (OMSI) to Everyone:
OMSI Planetarium has 360 degrees cove lights. Includes patterns. Great with laser shows and concerts
12:06:44 From Nick Strobel to Everyone:
My planetarium’s cove lights have been operating since 1999 or 2000
12:08:25 From Nick Strobel to Everyone:
I also use the cove lights to talk about light pollution
12:20:55 From Benjamin Mendelsohn to Everyone:
Rosemary—some folks use the string led lights for inexpensive cove lighting.
12:21:59 From Andy Kreyche to Everyone:
Gotta run. Goodbye, and thanks Alan for the session!
12:22:37 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone:
I need to leave to run an astronomy club meeting. It was wonderful to see you all!
12:22:56 From Mark Webb to Everyone:
Bye Amie, Andy
12:27:01 From Ryan Wyatt • he | him to Everyone:
12:27:24 From Jeremy Amarant to Everyone:
I have to leave for a presentation. Thank you all! I will watch the rest on the recording.
12:28:20 From Jim Todd (OMSI) to Everyone:
Great to see everyone! Hope we can do this again this year. Have to run. Clear skies! Enjoy the eclipse on April 8 :)
12:28:34 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
Bye, Jim!
12:28:42 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
Great to see you!
12:29:14 From Toshi Komatsu to Everyone:
Gotta run. Good to see everyone and hear everyone’s stories!
12:30:06 From Mark Webb to Everyone:
bye Toshi
12:30:57 From Cal Powell to Everyone:
Bye, folks. Until next time...
12:32:06 From Gail Chaid to Everyone:
Thank to Jim Manning for “Season of Light.” We spiced it up and added more “visuals” and put it on DVD but it really is a great program and still holds up.
12:32:34 From Mike Askins to Everyone:
Gotta go, thanks everyone, and thanks Alan
12:33:03 From Gail Chaid to Everyone:
We also spiced up programs like Lewis and Clark expedition and others. If you want more info, contact Gail Chaid gchaid@gmail.com.
12:36:40 From Jeff Nee (he, him) to Everyone:
12:36:54 From Mark Webb to Everyone:
thanks jeff!
12:37:09 From Alby Luchko (she/her) to Everyone:
This seems great to do once in a while. I enjoyed meeting everyone and hearing questions and discussions!
12:37:10 From Ryan Wyatt • he | him to Everyone:
Thanks for hosting this!
12:37:23 From Karl von Ahnen to Everyone:
Good one, Alan!
12:37:32 From James Manning to Alan Gould PPA(Direct Message):
Sorry I was late; thanks for doing this!
12:39:08 From Noreen Grice to Everyone:
This has been fun. I have to drop off. See everyone next month!
12:40:10 From Ryan Wyatt • he | him to Everyone:
Rochester, New York, for complicated reasons…
12:43:23 From Gail Chaid to Everyone:
I don’t go to eclipses because if I am there, it will not be visible. I have friends send pictures.
12:43:53 From Rosemary Walling to Everyone:
I have to go. Nice to see everyone!
12:44:46 From jon elvert to Everyone:
What a great get together this past hour. Thanks everyone for the discussions, Gotta go. Until next time.
12:45:22 From Alby Luchko (she/her) to Everyone:
Thanks! bye!
12:45:23 From Dan Tell to Everyone:
Thanks Alan!