2024-05-31 Chat
If you attended this seminar live or are viewing it as recording, you're invited to give feedback through the Astronomical Society of the Pacific survey to explore how they can better serve the planetarium community:
Participants (partial list):
Sarah Vise Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jeff Nee, Pasadena, CA
Cal Powell, Alexandria, VA
Amie Gallagher, Branchburg, NJ
Mike Francis - Newton MA
Karl von Ahnen, Santa Cruz Mountains, California
Thaddeus Papke, Cardiff, UK.
Susan Button, Pittsburgh, PA
Bryan Mendez, UC Berkeley, CA
Alan Gould, The Lawrence Planetarium, University of California Berkeley USA
Tony Smith, ASP https://astrosociety.org/
Rosemary Walling, Marie Drake Planetarium, Juneau, AK
Sally Brummel, Bell Museum, University of Minnesota
Drew Gilmore, Sudekum Planetarium Nashville TN
Briana Ingermann, Fiske Planetarium, University of Colorado Boulder
April Whitt, retired planetarian, Atlanta, Georgia
Megan Sanders, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Andy Kreyche, Jean and E. Floyd Kvamme Planetarium, West Valley College - Saratoga, California
Amy Walsh, FISKE Planetarium University of Colorado Boulder
Steve Crawford, Kalamazoo Valley Museum in Kalamazoo, Michigan
Kevin Conod, County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ
Kaitlin Ehret, Bell Museum, St Paul MN
Thor Metzinger - Fiske Planetarium CU Boulder, Colorado
JT Towne, Omnidirectional Consulting, West Chester, PA
James Enos, Mesa AZ
Erin Steinert, Pasco, WA USA
Carole Holmberg, Museum of York County, Rock Hill, SC
Dário Fonseca, Hemispherium @ Exploratório in Coimbra, Portugal
Carlos Miranda, Paterson, New Jersey
Joe Witte, LA,CA, former contractor JPL/NASA’s climate.nasa.gov
Presenters' contact info
Tony Smith <tsmith@astrosociety.org>
Anna Hurst <ahurst@astrosociety.org>
11:07:25 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone:
11:09:50 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: I love that cut out of the sun to put around the flashlight.
11:10:24 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone: I've used many of the My Sky Tonight activities. They are great!
11:13:01 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: The NISE Network crew are great. Wonderful to work with.
11:13:12 From Mary Holt to Everyone: Reacted to "The NISE Network cre..." with 💯
11:16:50 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone:
11:17:56 From Mary Holt to Everyone:
11:22:29 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: Reacted to "I love that cut out ..." with ☀️
11:23:07 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: Replying to "I've used many of th..."
Hi Amie! Good to see you here. That’s great to hear the My Sky Tonight activities have worked well for you!
11:23:11 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: Reacted to "The NISE Network cre..." with 💯
11:24:02 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone: Replying to "I've used many of th..."
Hi Anna! Yes, I love the activities. Matching Moon Phases is permanently in my exhibit hall. :)
11:24:16 From Thor Metzinger to Everyone: Thank you — great ideas!
11:24:31 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: Reacted to "Hi Anna! Yes, I lov..." with 🌒
11:24:45 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: I’m curious about any tips you have for training presenters to work with young children.
11:24:52 From Tony Smith, ASP to Everyone:
Mary's Slide Deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1klaBmf_fFfJbQFu95gY9voQxo2hsucLJJXbvejMwBOQ/edit?usp=sharing
11:25:07 From Mary Holt to Everyone:
Full Moon Explorers programs virtual: https://www.facebook.com/watch/165317033492418/443443983364675
Full Moon Explorers program in Hohfeld Hall: https://youtu.be/8HoKlNsI9GQ
Full Mission to the Moon program description and video link, virtual: https://sites.google.com/calacademy.org/dl-moonmission-livestream/teachers
Online version: https://youtu.be/JNQCT9_MMts
Initial run through in Hohfeld: https://youtu.be/2ejr1Hz40Eo?feature=shared
11:28:42 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone:
11:34:16 From Susan Button to Everyone: Yes, Jeff!!!
11:34:40 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: ASP would love to offer an adapted version of our My Sky Tonight training tailored to planetariums. We’re looking forward to our discussion here to learn more about what you need in that regard
11:35:30 From Mary Holt to Everyone: Watching other people is soooo helpful
11:35:38 From Erin Steinert [she/her(s)] to Everyone: Reacted to "Watching other peopl..." with 👍🏻
11:36:26 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: I always tried to make sure new presenters would watch as many other presenters as possible.
11:36:27 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: National Association for the Education of Young Children has some really helpful resources on working with young children in developmentally appropriate ways: https://www.naeyc.org/
11:36:51 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: Reacted to "Watching other peopl..." with 👍
11:37:28 From Jeff Nee to Everyone: I’ve got to run, but I’m always happy to help anyone with staff PD! Jnee@jpl.nasa.gov
11:38:53 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: It’s also much different when you have a whole classroom filled with kids you’re trying to keep engaged!
11:39:42 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: Breakfast Moon IS on the long side for a children’s story book. That’s because we wanted to include enough days of the lunar cycle and remain as astronomically accurate as possible while still being an engaging story. We did our best to shorten it. But it does take 15-20 minutes to read depending on how interactive you make it
11:44:09 From Tony Smith, ASP to Everyone:
11:44:39 From Briana Ingermann (she/her) to Everyone: It seems like the jam board is view only
12:02:04 From JT Towne to Everyone: Carlos, to make the portable (or any) dome more friendly for kids to enter, try fun music (not too loud) and also (colorful/cartoony) images on the dome that come and go during walk-in ie: clouds, planes, happy sun, kid's drawings, etc.
12:03:10 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: Reacted to "Carlos, to make the ..." with 👍
12:07:35 From Mary Holt to Everyone: Yeah "what do you notice" is something we ask a lot
12:08:07 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: Reacted to "Yeah "what do you no..." with 👍
12:09:01 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: For anyone who might need to leave soon, here’s our survey. We’d appreciate it if you could take a few moments to fill it in to inform any resources ASP develops to support you all in reaching preschool kids https://forms.gle/E5kLX4gmnn3kCbCZ9
12:09:08 From Susan Button to Everyone: with the portable dome I walk them around the dome and touch it...talking about what they see. Lift the side and peek under to glimpse a bit of what is inside
12:11:05 From AWalsh to Everyone: That’s a great idea Carlos
12:11:26 From Erin Steinert [she/her(s)] to Everyone: Gotta run to set up for another field trip! Thanks so much, I look forward to watching the recording for anything I missed/will miss!
12:11:34 From Mary Holt to Everyone: Reacted to "Gotta run to set up ..." with 👍
12:14:03 From Tony Smith, ASP to Everyone: Kulturecity.org
12:14:43 From Tony Smith, ASP to Everyone: That's the sensory inclusive training and certification org I was trying to think of
12:15:21 From AWalsh to Everyone: Reacted to "That's the sensory i…" with 👍
12:15:24 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: Reacted to "That's the sensory i..." with 👍
12:17:00 From Carlos Miranda to Everyone: Exposure
12:17:07 From Joe Witte to Everyone: Thanks everyone for a informative session.
12:17:30 From Carlos Miranda to Everyone: Or even visiting them?
12:17:46 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: Learn by doing. Watching others is great, but eventually you need to take the mic.
12:19:09 From Mary Holt to Everyone: If anyone came later, my slides also have multiple videos of programs: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1klaBmf_fFfJbQFu95gY9voQxo2hsucLJJXbvejMwBOQ/edit?usp=sharing
12:19:33 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: I always tried to give presenters a safety net for their first shows. Get them in front of kids, but have an experienced presenter there for support.
12:19:47 From JT Towne to Everyone: Good session, TY and cheer.
12:19:55 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: This was great!
12:19:59 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: Please fill in our survey! Thank you! https://forms.gle/E5kLX4gmnn3kCbCZ9
And we hope to see you at our virtual conference Aug. 22-24, including planetarium strand! https://astrosociety.org/get-involved/events/asp2024-a-virtual-conference/
12:20:07 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: Thank you so much, everyone!
12:20:55 From AWalsh to Everyone: Thank you. Good stuff - first time at one of these. 😁 Gotta jump to another commitment.
12:22:40 From Carlos Miranda to Everyone: Its for 18 month old correct?
12:23:51 From Thor Metzinger to Everyone: https://sites.google.com/view/lipsymposium/home
12:24:18 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: That’s distressing to hear that is still the case (re changing tables). I had those issues when my kids were young, but I had hoped it was better now.
12:24:42 From Briana Ingermann (she/her) to Everyone: Have to head out - thank you all, great session!
12:24:48 From JT Towne to Everyone: Discount code or other special for returning?
12:24:56 From Thor Metzinger to Everyone: Thank you
12:25:13 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone: All our ticket stubs are coupons for your next visit.
12:25:25 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: Reacted to "All our ticket stubs..." with 👍
12:25:38 From JT Towne to Everyone: Reacted to "All our ticket stubs..." with 👍
12:26:52 From Karl von Ahnen to Everyone: Popular topic. Great zoom meet! Thanks.
12:29:53 From Dário Fonseca to Everyone: "is it for children?" Yes, children of all ages.
12:30:00 From Mary Holt to Everyone: Reacted to ""is it for children?..." with 👍
12:30:01 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: Reacted to ""is it for children?..." with ❤️
12:30:24 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: Reacted to ""is it for children?..." with ❤️
12:30:21 From Anna Hurst, ASP to Everyone: Here are the My Sky Tonight resources: https://astrosociety.org/education-outreach/early-learners/my-sky-tonight.html
Please fill in our survey! Thank you! https://forms.gle/E5kLX4gmnn3kCbCZ9
And we hope to see you at our virtual conference Aug. 22-24, including a planetarium strand! https://astrosociety.org/get-involved/events/asp2024-a-virtual-conference/
12:31:34 From April Whitt to Everyone: This was great. Thank you!
12:31:58 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: Gentle music
12:32:16 From Dário Fonseca to Everyone: Light
12:34:08 From Carlos Miranda to Everyone: Very true, but it is great for getting them hooked
12:34:57 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone: I was just thinking that I should get a captain's hat!
12:35:11 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: Reacted to "I was just thinking ..." with 👏
12:35:57 From Carlos Miranda to Everyone: Reacted to "I was just thinking ..." with ❤️
12:36:20 From Mike Francis to Everyone: Reacted to "I was just thinking ..." with 👍
12:36:53 From Thaddeus Papke (he/him) to Everyone: Thanks again.
12:36:54 From Susan Button to Everyone: Thank you so much!
12:37:18 From Carlos Miranda to Everyone: Thank you all.
12:37:35 From Amie Gallagher to Everyone: Thanks you all! This is a great conversation.