Chat from 2019-05-31  zoominar


Last month's web seminar was based on Planetarium Educator's Workshop Guide module 1. In it, we did a role-play game in which one workshop participant would play the part of teacher (or presenter in the case of public shows) and the other participants play the part of student (or audience in the case of public shows). .The "Teacher" was given three words to "teach" the "students" in a few minutes. These particular plays of the game unfortunately had bias unbeknownst to the workshop leader that ended up with the hardest words happening in the third play. That sort of looked like allowing questions between presenter and audience (teacher and students) was less effective than having no questions (essentially a lecture). The opposite is probably better supported by other measures.

Planetarium Educator's Workshop part 2


TOPIC - what are 3 topics you'd focus on in the coming year and why would they be important?

15:36:00 From Dário Fonseca : ok

15:46:32 From Alan Gould : Standards based topics

 more elementary than middle school

 more middle than high school

Apollo stuff

15:46:51 From Todd Ullery : Moon Phases - cycles in the sky causes eclipses (lunar and solar)

Reason for the Seasons - tilt of the earth's axis changes the hours of daylight

Gravity - attraction and accelleration

15:47:20 From john_erickson : Moon for general public

50th anniversary of human exploration

Motion and Orbits for Middle and Highschool


Gravity misconceptions

Shadows for grade 1


Basic science


15:47:50 From Karrie Berglund : 1. The Moon: Missions and Moon Phases. Moon phases because of NGSS. Moon mission because of Apollo 11 anniversary. 2. Seasons, because they are so commonly misunderstood. 3. Solar system, because of NGSS and possibilities to observe the real sky.

15:50:25 From Dário Fonseca : I would add these to the general school sessions: 

Apollo XI 50th anniversary, one of humanity's greatest achievements

Black holes, because they've been in the media a lot

Gravitational waves, as it gives us a new way to see the Universe

15:53:07 From Dário Fonseca : I blame cartoonists for the "only at night Moon" misconception...

15:56:26 From Dário Fonseca : sorry, no microphone :(

15:57:29 From Dário Fonseca : Coimbra, Portugal

15:57:38 From Dário Fonseca : :)

15:57:47 From Dário Fonseca : it's a pleasure


STUDENT/AUDIENCE - what are 3 things you want to know about the students/audience & why are they important?

16:00:10 From Todd Ullery : Why are they coming to the planetarium?

Did they study the topic already?

What are their age ranges?

16:00:39 From Alan Gould : Age, special interests or focus, handicaps?

16:00:46 From Karrie Berglund : 1. Age if a school program, so that you can present content in an age appropriate manner. 2. Whether they have studied astronomy already.  3. How much time they have for the program.

16:01:22 From john_erickson : Is the planetarium an intro to a topic for them?

Is the planetarium a culminating experience after study of the topic?

Is the planetarium the total of their instruction in the topic?

Will they have the chance to apply after the program?

Families? Single age/Grade?

16:01:44 From Dário Fonseca : what they already know about the topic I'm presenting, so I can tailor my presentation or interaction with them

16:04:40 From Dário Fonseca : sorry, got distracted listening to you and didn't write any more, but they overlap with was already said/written


INSTRUCTOR/PRESENTER - what are 3 teaching/leading techniques have you used that worked especially well?

16:12:54 From Todd Ullery : 

Story telling



16:13:46 From Alan Gould : Small group discussions in pursuit of solving a problem; asking questions, encouraging audience to ask questions.

16:13:48 From Karrie Berglund : 1. Early questions that everyone can answer so that they start out feeling successful. Could be something like What do you observe in the sky? 2. Wait time after asking a question, so that people can reflect on it. 3. Taking other ideas after getting the desired one.

16:14:49 From john_erickson : 1. Let the planetarium answer the questions when you can.

Scientific authenticity

2. Free exploring before guided activity.

Scientific authenticity, participants' buy-in

3. Text on the dome.

Common vocabulary, greater understanding

16:17:04 From Dário Fonseca : a reasonable dose of humour 

asking questions and building the presentation with their answers

a narrative for the constellations

16:24:41 From Dário Fonseca : Thank you for the opportunity

16:25:54 From Dário Fonseca : bye